Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Calling!

I got a phone message last night asking both me and Eric to meet at the Bishop's office this morning. I was rather thinking they'd officially make us the 15 & 16-year-old's Sunday School teacher, since he said it would only take 5 minutes. But lo and behold.... I am now the 2nd counselor in the Young Women's Presidency!

I couldn't have been more delighted, and the bishopric and YW's kept telling me how delighted they were that I would be in. I've been dying to work with the youth, and haven't gotten to for so long (because of college wards), that this was an awesome surprise.


I'll be working with the Beehives specifically. (I would also love to work with the Laurels, and some of the older kids, but this is pretty dang close. And I get to keep accompanying Eric to the teens' Sunday School class :) )  There are only 2 Beehives in our ward, and a 3rd verging on inactive, but it works for me. They're both super cute and very smart.


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